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Bryerstone: Innovations in Web, Data & Media

What we do at Bryerstone
At Bryerstone, we believe in the transformative power of technology. Since our inception, we've stood at the intersection of creativity, data, and digital mastery, paving the way for businesses to achieve their true potential in today's fast-evolving digital landscape.
Innovations in Web: Our web solutions aren't just about creating digital spaces; they are about crafting experiences. Through a harmonious blend of design, functionality, and user experience, we provide websites that are not only visually captivating but also inherently optimized and responsive.
Innovations in Data: In the age of information, raw data is the new gold. But it's the interpretation and application of this data that truly matters. Our team of seasoned data scientists dives deep, unearthing actionable insights and crafting data-driven strategies that propel businesses forward.
Innovations in Media: In a world awash with content, standing out is paramount. Bryerstone's media team specializes in creating compelling videos, logos, banners, and other promotional content that resonates, captivates, and, most importantly, converts.
Beyond our core services, our commitment to innovation drives us. We're continually refining our approaches, harnessing new technologies, and adapting to the ever-changing digital milieu. But amidst all this change, one thing remains constant: our unwavering dedication to our clients' success.
When you partner with Bryerstone, you're not just getting a service provider; you're gaining a strategic ally, committed to propelling your vision into the digital age with precision, passion, and unparalleled expertise.
Join us on this journey of digital transformation. Let's innovate together.

About Us

About us

About Bryerstone: Innovations in Web, Data & Media

About Bryerstone: Innovations in Web, Data & Media
Located in the heart of Dix Hills, NY, Bryerstone stands as a beacon of innovation in the realms of web design, data science, and media. We've cultivated a passion for catalyzing digital success stories for businesses of all magnitudes, ensuring that every venture is equipped with the tools and expertise needed for online triumph.
Web Design & Development: Our commitment goes beyond mere aesthetics. With a knack for weaving together design, functionality, and user experience, we craft websites that are visually compelling and strategically positioned to drive traffic, captivate audiences, and elevate conversions. Employing the latest technologies, our creations ensure seamless navigation, responsiveness, and search engine optimization.
Data Science & Machine Learning: As the digital age progresses, the power of data has become undeniable. Our seasoned data scientists are adept at unearthing insights from complex data sets, transforming raw numbers into actionable strategies. With tailor-made machine learning solutions, we empower businesses to make informed decisions and forecast trends with unparalleled precision.
Media Services: In a world saturated with content, differentiation is crucial. Bryerstone's media team excels in creating standout content. From riveting social media video productions to unique website logos and banners, we ensure your brand resonates and remains memorable across all digital touchpoints.
Understanding the constraints and aspirations of businesses, especially in an ever-evolving digital landscape, is integral to our ethos. We're dedicated to providing top-tier services without the exorbitant price tags, ensuring value-driven solutions that don't compromise on quality.
Serving Dix Hills and businesses nationwide, we take immense pride in our contributions to their digital success stories. As you embark on or further your online journey, Bryerstone: Innovations in Web, Data & Media stands ready to be your trusted partner, guiding you every step of the way.
Thank you for considering us as your digital architects. Let's craft the future together.
Contact Us
Image of Glenford the Data Science Innovator!
Bryerstone: Innovators, Come Innovate with Glenford!

A little about me

Hi, my name is Glenford, and I am a web designer with a passion for helping small businesses succeed online. I have the skills and knowledge to create beautiful, functional websites that will help your business reach its goals.

I believe that every small business deserves to have a professional online presence, and I am dedicated to helping my clients achieve that. Whether you are just starting out or looking to update your existing website, I can work with you to create a custom solution that meets your needs and budget.

I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help your small business thrive online!

Commonly asked questions and answers.

Why should I use Bryerstone: Innovations in Web, Data & Media to create my website?
Maybe you created your own website and the design didn't turn out quite how you anticipated, or you have an outdated website that needs to be updated but you don't want to spend a lot. For us, quality and good service do not have to be expensive. We are committed to helping small businesses and have long standing success and many happy clients.
Will you really design my site for free?
Yes. Each project starts with a free design demo to show you what we're capable. This ensures you are 100% happy with our work before you pay us a dime. Once you approve your design and submit payment, we'll work with you to make any changes and complete your site.
What's included in the monthly service fee?
The monthly service fee includes hosting, SSL certificate, ongoing maintenance and support for our clients to ensure that their websites remain up-to-date and functioning properly. This can include things like updating content, fixing any bugs or issues that arise, and making sure that the website is compatible with the latest web standards and technologies.
What platform will my new site be built on?
We build our sites on a proprietary website building platform that only digital agencies have access to and is specifically designed for building small business websites. We use Rackspace and AWS to provide reliable, rock-solid hosting and all of our sites include an SSL Certificate and are loaded on a 256-bit encrypted https: connection for added security.
Will my new website look good on smartphones?
Yes. All of the websites we design are built to be responsive, meaning that they will automatically adjust to fit the screen size of any device. This ensures that your website will look great and be easy to use on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Do you offer SEO optimization as part of your services?
Yes, we offer SEO optimization as part of our website design and development services. This includes optimizing the content and structure of your website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages.

Can I use my domain from my previous site?
Yes. It is generally possible to use a domain from your previous site for your new website as long as you still own it. Depending on your hosting provider, there may be a process or fee for transferring your domain to a new website. Our team will be happy to assist you.
Do you work with businesses outside of Dix Hills?
Yes, while our firm is located in Dix Hills, we happily work with clients all over the country. Any communication can be done via phone, email or even a virtual meeting if necessary.


Interesting in seeing how your new website can look? Contact us today to request your FREE no-obligation design demo.
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